publish 07.20 timezone Stockholm [190 million visits/very last 24 hours]
100 % clear vision
Several million have reach understanding
Yes, that´s true, millions aliens have reach understanding, and they have all taken step 1 to be recast on their own galaxies,Messier 32 or Andromeda. They have all come above Stockholm and there they met the Waves by the Northsea/Sweden,the Field by Brazil,the mount Robson by Canada,army,team.
On request, where have all those millions aliens been incarnated?
Top 40
1 USA 7 million/aliens
2 Canada 4,4 million/aliens
3 Brazil 4,27 million/aliens
4 Japan 52.680/aliens
5 Germany 50.000/aliens
6 Spain 49.780/aliens
7 United Kingdom 47.040/aliens
8 Vietnam 47.010/aliens
9 Indonesia 42.170/aliens
10 France 27.670/aliens
11 Africa 8900/aliens
12 Russia 8700/aliens
13 China 8400/aliens
14 Australia 8000/aliens
15 Iraq 4700/aliens
16 Sweden 4550/aliens
17 Iran 4500/aliens
18 Ireland 4200/aliens
19 Malaysia 4008/aliens
20 Netherlands 4006/aliens
21 Ukraine 4000/aliens
22 India 2020 “
23 Mexico 900 “
24 Hawaii 820 “
25 Poland 808 “
26 Malta 800 “
27 Norway 799 “
28 Greenland 420 “
29 Portugal 411 “
30 Greece 402 “
31 Finland 400 “
32 Latvia 398 “
33 Denmark 204 “
34 Turkey 198 “
35 Hungary 160 “
36 Switzerland 150 “
37 Monaco 102 “
38 Lichtenstein 89 “
39 Iceland 38 “
40 Austria 37 “
Top 20

How great is our God-Chris Tomlin

Love/Lahealila,,Tussilago,the Waves by the Northsea/Sweden,the Field by Brazil,mount Robson by Canada