publish 08.02 timezone Stockholm [871 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours,2148 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days]
100% clear vision
Stopped terror attack
Now in the morning Swedish time, I/Lahealila suddenly hear a sound of a airplane/helicopter in a song from the radio. I shouted to team, army, 8 angels, we must check if there is a bomb attack going on!
Immediately we see 4 helicopters just taking off with direction toward Stockholm, from Colorado/USA, Mississippi/USA, Sidney/Australia, New Zealand, on board 4 hydrogen bombs, 20 kilo,15 kilo,8 kilo,8 kilo.
We see there are totally 14 alien terrorists on board, 4 bomb experts and 10 from the alien organization M.P, which are quite known in the world.
The terrorists are no longer a threat, the sky-army, the 8 angels, team, have captured them!
Right now are the 8 angels, the army , team, stopping the production of 4 nuclear bombs

You can help with prayers.
Dear Lord, please protect against alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

House of the rising sun-The Animals
His passionate, suffering voice has sometimes saved us against troublesome aliens. His song has killed about 40 aliens in 20 seconds.
I wonder what the singer has to say about that?

love/Lahealila,team, sky-army, 8 angels.