Earth soul

Publish 22.26 time zone Stockholm
100% clear vision
1299 trillion, 1299 000 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
1440 trillion, 1440 000 000 000 000  visits/very last 7 days.

Hello, hope you doing fine?
We have a lot of snow all over Sweden. In Stockholm today, it was 1 degrees and a bit cloudy.

The planet earth soul is here astral and wants to talk a little.
Planet earth soul: Hello again, it was some time ago. Now it's snow in the whole Sweden, it's so beautiful! I think it's funny to talk to you again! When it comes snow, it comes peace in a way, it's so silence and peaceful. Lahealia played the song, down below, for me, I love it! I think it's fun to listening to music, that I can do by Lahealila's.  Sometimes Lahealila is listening to music in her bed from her cellphone, before she sleeps, then I sneak closer sometimes and can listening too.
Me and planet Fenix are connecting sometimes, he is also here astral right now. Fenix also loves snow, it's so silence and beautiful. I can see children do snowmen, it's so funny!
Planet Fenix is doing fine in his new orbit, he wants to say hello to everyone!
I am feeling very good and planet Fenix do so too! Me and Fenix use to see each other and drinks a cup of tea, talking about that planet earth is going to be much brighter soon.

I remember that fateful day in the 12th century, when the sun was away for a couple of days, it was so cold and dark, I was so afraid for what this could mean for people and animals life. Around 50 people froze to death, mostly in USA. Around 1 million animals froze to death, mostly rats, 12 monkeys, 1 giraffe, 20 cats, 10 dogs, 1 elephant, 10 tigers, 10 lions and over 100 birds. 
I was so happy when the sun returned again, I was so happy so I cried. Me and the sun are connected almost every day, we talk and laugh.
Me and planet Fenix wants to wish everyone, especially all blog readers, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!/Planet earth soul
We love you both!/Lahealila

Light a candle – Rob Lundgren

13 450 surrendered spaceships with crew have arrived, the latest 9 days, amazing! We are so thankful! But still there are a few left, you are all so welcome to the 4 meeting centers in the world, see more further down. At the meeting centers can you meet Sea-Gods and sea-angels from andromeda galaxy, and lion-angels, angels of lightning and angels.

Everyone is welcome, spaceships too!

Time and Place

Place: Central Park, Manhattan, New York, USA

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is so welcome, Africa too!

What: Firemans and several other people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

central park,new york,usa,
Right here by the benches in Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA is the raise up hands party.
milkyway-galaxy-news,USA,new york,
Central Park, Manhattan, New York/USA

Time and Place

Place: Wuhan city, China. Located 100 miles down from Peking.

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome! Not only Asia!

What: Several people are there and are raising up there hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the fence…


Time and Place

Place: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Beside the 45 meters big statue.


The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

rio de janeiro,brazil,jesus,
Here beside the statue are the raise up hands party, Rio de Janeiro,Brazil.
Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

Time and Place

Place: Canberra, Australia

Ongoing! They run 24 hours!

The whole world is welcome!

What: Several people are there and are raising up their hands for you aliens!

Come astral

It’s just behind the hills!

Canberra, Australia

Vänersborg, Sweden, photo from December, 2023.

Have a nice weekend!

Love and peace/ Lahealila, team, sky-army, cobra, lions, angels, angels of lightning, star-angels, lion-angels, star-angels, Sea-God

Earth soul has spoken again

publish 07.05 timezone Stockholm

32,7 trillion, 32 752 000 000 000 visits/very last 24 hours.
48,7 trillion, 48 754 000 000 000 visits/very last 7 days.

100% clear vision


Earth planet soul came by, he’s saying: I’m so very happy you are taking care of the problem with the aliens, and that you are working much with prayers and raising up your hands. I’m so happy Lahealila can reach so many of you all over the world thru this website.
I wants to thank you all from the bottom om my heart for the time you are spending with prayers.
Lahealila and I are friends since longer back in time, even in her earlier existence were we friends and use to talk about the future.
I wish you could stop to use the nuclear power plants, and instead use for example solar cells on nearly every roof, and use wind turbines.
Lahealila and I were spoken about friendly, non polluting, energy sources even before she join this incarnation.
That’s one of the reasons to why Lahealila invented solar cells and wind turbines before she join this incarnation, I mean when she was in heaven before she join this incarnation. Someone put the solar cells on the table at 4 companies and in a showcase in a business park, and later one someone put a miniature of Lahealila’s wind turbine in a business park and on the table at 4 companies.
I hope people on earth will use the solar cells and the wind turbines instead of the nuclear power plants and the coal power plants. I hope you as well will use less off fossil fuels.
Tank you all for listening to my worlds thru Lahealila, and thank you again for taking time with prayers for protection against aliens./Living earth soul.

Earth, Planet,
Wind turbines, Arizona,USA.

Tank you very much for raising up your hands often in Colorado Springs/USA and for praying extra much.
Totally 20 alien terrorists have died the latest 3 days in Colorado Springs, 16 died because of prayers/raising up hands, and 4 died because of extra evil thoughts. 8 alien terrorists died because of prayers by people in Colorado Springs, 4 died because of 2 men from France went astral to Colorado Springs and prayed, 4 died because of a man from Canada went astral to Colorado Springs and raised up his hands.
20 alien helicopters took off from Colorado Springs/USA, the latest 3 days. Sea-God, Sky-army and I took care of all helicopters.
Thank you all so much! Still there are alien terrorists in Colorado Springs, so please continue with raising up your hands and with prayers.

62,74 millions milliards trillion, 62 740 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 fallen aliens have died on our galaxy the latest 3 days, because of everybody’s prayers.
The whole galaxy are so thankful to you all. You are loved.
Still there are fallen aliens out there, please continue raising up your hands.

Dear Lord, please protect the earth and heaven against alien intruders and alien terrorists, dear Lord help us. Amen

20 million fallen aliens died when this person raised up his hands.

Blue Christmas – Elvis Presley


Have a really nice day or evening depending on where you live!

love/Lahealila, team, sky-army, sea-angels by Värmdö/Stockholm, seawave-angels by Northsea/Sweden, Sea-God

Surrendering all

publish 18.20 timezone Stockholm

100% clear vision


Today it´s sunny and 25 degrees in Stockholm,even sunny all week.


Now we/God is with us” have stopped totally 37 nuclear bombs,some of them we/army/God/Lahealila/team stopped during the production. It is the alien “terrorist organization” MP who is behind the bombs.

1807 aliens have now died from the alien “terrorist organization” MP, 20 have reached understanding and retreated.

For some days ago, I/Lahealila discovered the moon in wrong direction,I said to team to check it out!

The moon had moved sharply off it´s orbit. Tell God about it,I said to team,army. God came,and saw together with the army,it was on account off the nuclear bomb,I told you about latest.

I said to God,team,army,you must check out if the sun too have moved off it`s orbit? After awhile they saw,the sun too had moved off it´s orbit.

God made ropes,then army,team,God surrounded the moon,the sun,draw them to right position in their orbit.

The planet,earth soul came by while I´m writing this,and says, thank you Lahealila for discovering this,sun,moon, wants to thank you so much too. I love you Lahealila. And thank so very much,Lahealila,for taking away my heavy headache,coused by a heavy lightning hitting my soul-head,I feel fine again,but I want nuclear bombs,missiles,other bombs, and nuclear power plants to be strongly forbidden! I hope you all listening now,take care of the planet/earth. I love my planet so unbelievable much/living earth soul

Please pray to protect our planet,the sun,the moon,heavenly heaven,our galaxy milkyway with all planets,suns,moons.


On request from a reader,Los Angeles/USA,this blog visits statistics: 3,1 millions visits/last 24 hours, 21,5 millions visits/last 7 days. Soon,the aliens who change the numbers in the statistics,will be gone. 83% of the visits are from USA,but 3,65 millions are from the rest of the world. Thank you all for joyning this,thank so much for all your prayers.

Note by june 16, 11.30 timezone Stockholm: Now this blog have 8 millions visits/last 24 hours.

The Dark Hedges/Ireland
Ribblehead viaduct/Ingleton,England,UK
Stella beach,Hauts de France
Isle of skye,Scotland,UK
Princes pier,Melbourne/Australia
Lugu lake/Yunnan,China
Rio de Janeiro ,Brazil
Cameron,tea plantage,Malaysia
Dubai,United Arab Emirates

Music is a peaceful,powerful weapon.

I love this song so much,when we played it in the morning,where 52 aliens nearby,instantly they died.

National anthem,Sweden


Love peace/Lahealila,team,Tussilago,army,God