publish 02.19 swedish time
clear vision
We still have 2 priest from sos assisting Lahealila/with company
A couple of days ago one of the priest discovered a bird flying high up in the sky, not on the earth´s heaven but even really higher up in the sky, Maxi (dog) saw that the bird had very high level around 2000-5000 and was an archangel-bird. After that we discovered several birds high up and counted them to around 1000 birds/archangel with extreme high level around 2000-5000.
The new archangel birds are brown and looks nearly like this one but are a little bigger and has about 13,8 cm greater wing width.

After that Maxi saw where the birds came from, and right there it were higher energi than in the rest of heaven, it was level around 70 000 and that is the highest level in heaven over all galaxies/cosmos.
The new birds seems satisfied and are talking a lot to each other, the birds chirp a lot. They are golden brown and have lively eyes.
i love…….
Gazebo – I like chopin